Navigate to the Registration page and register with any user name that is already taken to see the appropriate error message. 导航到Registration页面并用任何已经被使用的用户名进行注册,查看相应的错误消息。
If a subform of the specified name does not exist, you receive an error. 如果指定名称的派生形式不存在,您就会收到一个错误。
Errortabschema specifies the schema name of a table containing error information for objects that could not be copied. Errortabschema指定错误表的模式名,这个表包含无法复制的对象的错误信息。
If you do not ensure that each object has a unique name, ClearQuest returns the name XYZ is already in use error message. 如果您并不能确定每一个对象都有一个独一无二的名字,那么ClearQuest就会返回名字XYZ已经被使用的出错信息。
The name of the scenario in which the error occurred. 发生错误的方案的名称。
The name of the agent computer on which the error occurred. 发生错误的代理计算机的名称。
The name cannot be found because an error occurred. 由于发生错误,找不到该名称。
Those repetitions make the application prone to minor errors ( e.g., a mis-spelled class name would show up as an hard-to-debug error at runtime). 这些重复使应用易于出错(例如,一个拼写错误的类名可能在运行时显示为一个难于调试错误)。
Along with the name of the stored procedure in which the error occurred, information that relates to the error is returned. 与该错误相关的信息连同出错的存储过程的名称一起返回。
Returns the fully qualified name of the source item that contained the error. 返回包含错误的源项的完全限定名。
A string containing the fully qualified name of this exception and possibly the error message, the name of the inner exception, and the stack trace. 一个字符串,包含该异常的完全限定名,还可能包含错误信息、内部异常的名称和堆栈跟踪。
To achieve the user's login, password or user name of the error will not be landing. 实现用户的登陆,密码或用户名错误将不能登陆。-asp。
If a reserved keyword is used in an instance name, a setup error will occur. 如果在实例名中使用了保留关键字,将发生安装错误。
Name translation: Generic processing error. 名称转换:常见处理错误。
Add the name of the error column. 添加错误列的名称。
Gets the fully qualified name of the source item that contained the error, in a format recognizable by the script engine. 获取包含错误的源项的完全限定名,采用脚本引擎可以识别的格式。
An exception is called a name error exception. 一个被称作命名错误的异常。
The name of the database in which the error must occur for the alert to fire. 数据库名,只有该数据库中发生错误时,才能激发警报。
Returns or sets the name of the object that originated the error 返回或设置产生错误的对象的名称
If an alias has been entered, the full command name appears instead of the alias name in the error message. 如果输入了别名,在错误信息中将显示完整命令名而不是别名。
If you specify the name of an existing category, an error will be raised. 如果指定现有类别的名称,将引发一个错误。
Check that the user name noted in the error message has the appropriate permissions. 检查错误消息中记录的用户名是否具有适当的权限。
Control renders as a panel that contains the type name, the control name, and messages announcing and describing the error. 控件呈现为面板的错误,其中包含类型名、控件名以及公告和描述该错误的消息。
It means never thinking twice about misspelling a method name because the compiler immediately indicates the error. 这意味着,不用过多考虑方法名称的拼写错误,因为编译器能够立即指出这类错误。
A precise specification of the item, such as a property name, that caused the error. 导致错误的项的精确说明,例如属性名。
For example, you can configure a log to capture only the date and the computer name for each error. 例如,您可以将日志配置为仅捕获每个错误的日期和计算机名。
By default, errors and warnings that result from compilation specify the name of the file in which an error was found. 默认情况下,编译所产生的错误和警告指定包含错误的文件名。
Perhaps& perhaps the hurried printer had repeated the name by error. 或许&或许排字工人太匆忙,误将名字排重了。
Name of the stored procedure or trigger where the error occurred. 发生错误的存储过程或触发器的名称。
The name of the object or file that caused the error. 导致错误的对象或文件的名称。